Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Project-Based Learning

        Project-based learning is a great way to engage your students and encourage learning. Not all students learn the traditional way of sitting and listening. I love that the project-based learning incorporates so many positive attributes for students.
        Project-based learning encourages teamwork by using collaboration of the students to work on the various assignments. Knowing that peers and parents will view their project, it encourages them to do their best. The students are able to investigate the problem and come up with the solution by researching and gathering information. Not only can the students present what they have learned orally, but it can also be presented in a digital slide show or on a display board.
        I think that project-based learning method is a wonderful idea. I suggest that all teachers consider incorporating it into their curriculum. It can be used for Math, Science, English, or even Social Studies. It is a great way to help students be able to understand, apply and retain the information that they have researched. The students will know what they have learned when they have to research it and put it together.

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