Thursday, March 16, 2017

Blogging in the 21st-Century Classroom

In the article, Blogging in the 21st-Century Classroom, blogging was introduced to juniors at a high school. The goal was to try and address multiple common core standards, hold students accountable while minimizing stress, allowing the experiment to have freedom but structured enough to provide clarity, varied enough to keep students engaged, and to get students to write for multiple purposes.
             The results were successful. The majority of the blogs were written with little mistakes. The students’ persuasive writing had also improved because of this. The benefits of blogging extend way beyond the classroom. Introverted students were able to open up and be more expressive than they would be in person. Most importantly, the students were able to understand the importance of hearing many voices. As one student stated, “[s]ome of the quieter folks during discussion can talk about their opinions, too, so we finally get to hear them.”
               This is a great way to help make homework “less agonizingly painful” than other assignments. Even though not all students were infatuated by blogging, it was great for the students to face different levels of challenges. This is an assignment that can be adapted to every grade and all subjects.

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