Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Online Apps

Media can help compliment and enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. It can be used to enhance learning, in both class and for out-of-class assignments. Research suggests that people learn more easily when they are presented in both visual and verbal form.
Media resources can be used within lectures to stimulate interest and develop knowledge of the material that is being taught. Existing media resources can also be used to engage students and facilitate active learning. This helps promote deeper learning.
Media can compliment instructor-led learning. This requires the instructor to step outside of the traditional lecture by encouraging students to learn through media. When teachers choose to incorporate students into creating the media, it encourages collaboration, accountability, creativity and a mastery of ideas and concepts.  It involves a high degree of engagement while promoting individual learning and social interaction. Examples of online applications are:

1. Google Apps allow students and instructors to share documents online, edit them in real time, and even project them on a screen. This allows for a collaborative platform to brainstorm ideas and document work.

2. Canvas is a great course management tool that is used to allow instructors to organize all the resources students’ need for a class. It is used to provide valuable grading tools, and create spaces for discussion, document sharing, and video and audio commentary.

3. Wordle is an online application that allows you to create a word cloud based on the frequency of words in a particular text. This is a great way to stimulate students’ thinking about the meaning, importance, and relationship of words as they analyze, create, and publish words. This a great way to develop a depth of vocabulary and build connections between words.

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