Thursday, March 16, 2017

Math Fact Master

The iPad app that I chose to review is Math Fact Master: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division from 50 of the Best Teaching and Learning Apps for 2016. This app is easy to navigate for all grade school children. You can use it in flashcard mode or have the children type in the correct answer. You also have the option of choosing a limited number of profiles to monitor each child’s progress. It also keeps a progress report that can be emailed for review. It begins at the beginner level but the difficulty can be increased.
               It’s rated for ages 4+ and covers a combination of operators and number sets. This app would be appropriate for pre-school thru 4th grade students.
              I would definitely give this app a try. This app would be great to pull up on the smart board and use as a review tool. The flash card portion of the app would make a perfect game to quiz the students before testing day. The fact that it is able to keep up with progress is also a plus.

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